General information

I organise a mix of daily, weekend and longer Street Photography Workshops throughout the year in France, the UK  and other major European cities, aimed at keen amateurs and professionals.

Other than a beyond-beginner understanding of your camera, the only other requirements for signing up are a sense of curiosity, a willingness to learn from your mistakes and a desire to share the experience with other street enthusiasts.

Philosophy & Purpose

The workshop structure is the perfect framework to share one’s passion with like-minded devotees of the street, improving one’s technical and creative capabilities.

You will learn, among other skills, how to:

  • Choose a good location
  • Be comfortable with your camera settings
  • Position yourself in relation to the light
  • Adapt the appropriate behaviour to shoot strangers
  • Develop your own personal vision
  • Select the best photos


Usually spread over a weekend, and often extending to 3 – 4 days, the Workshop enables you to fully immerse yourself in the photographic adventure, getting a proper break away from normal daily life, while also providing the necessary time to find your feet and make progress.

The group environment provides a certain comfort and security when shooting in new or unknown areas. Moreover, the community atmosphere helps stimulate the development of each individual, feeding off each other’s ideas and inspiration when out on the streets, and participating in joint discussions when viewing the day’s photos. Most importantly, the Workshop as a collective activity is a fun and socially rewarding experience, an occasion to meet new people from diverse backgrounds & different cultures and an opportunity to forge real friendships.


A career spanning three decades has shown me that while Street Photography is a personal creative expression, it embodies technical and cultural knowledge that can be readily passed on to others.

Ten year’s experience organising street sessions in Nantes, for Commeunphotographe, has enabled me to create my own set of practical exercises and image critiques, specifically adapted to the domain.

During this same period, I have also had the pleasure of being a lecturer at the Graphic Design School ECV developing the communication and social skills required to learn the craft and expertise of being a professional educator.

I take all this practical knowledge and teaching experience into the Workshop environment, encouraging a defined working practice in combination with an attitude of free-spiritedness, to enable students of different levels, to build up, step-by-step, their shooting skills and creativity.

To view recent workshops, go here

“Dear Tim, I want to let you know that everything about this weekend was positive, from the impeccable organisation to the friendly and easy-going atmosphere among the group, all served up with your expert advice and well- judged comments. We were definitely in good hands to give free rein to our creativity ! Thanks again. Elsa ”


My workshops are usually limited to maximum of 8 people. By keeping the group small, I am able to provide a personalized service, adapted to the needs of each individual participant.

I choose an appropriate base for the Workshop, secure as best as possible for leaving laptops and spare equipment on site, while out shooting. Editing and projection of the images take place here.

I aim to provide an optimal balance between shooting time, editing, image projection/ review, and group social time (meals & drinks together). An average day is 9am till 7pm.

During the Workshop, I am out on the streets with you, combining my time with offering guidance/advice, shooting my own pictures and capturing moments of you in action.



After each Workshop I take the time, whenever I have a break in my other professional work, to create a book, representing the best work of each participant, alongside my own pictures. This book is a means of rewarding the hard work & creativity of each participant and acts as an important souvenir of the group experience. It is available for purchase directly from the Blurb platform.


Terms & Conditions

A 50% deposit fee and signature of contract is required to reserve a place on the Workshop. This deposit is unrefundable past the date of 60 days before the start of the Workshop.

The balancing payment of 50% is required 30 days prior to the start of the Workshop and is unrefundable unless a replacement for your reservation is found. If for any reason I am obliged to cancel the Workshop ( personal /family health, insufficient number of participants, force majeure), then all payments are refunded.

The workshop fee does not include travel, accommodation, food or other expenses incurred during the workshop. Each participant is responsible for their own insurance covering equipment, travel, health and civil liability.



Keep up to date with all Tim’s street photography articles, news of upcoming Workshops and promotional offers, exhibition and book recommendations, by signing up here !